Eurasier Information - Head of the Breeding Board (1991-2011), Zuchtgemeinschaft f. Eurasier e.V. - in English



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The duties of the Breeding Board in the Zuchtgemeinschaft fuer Eurasier

-  as seen by the Head, who has been in this position for 20 years (1991-2011) -


Actually, at first glance, it seems easy to describe the duties of the Head of the Breeding Board:

Excerpt from the articles of organization for the Zuchtgemeinschaft fuer Eurasier e.V.:

The breeding committee sets up the breeding rules.
The breeding board (Head of the breeding board and breeding directors) decide about the breeding instructions.
The Head of the Breeding Board decides about each mating.
The Head of the Breeding Board
and the Breeding Board must give the breeding committee an account of their work at least once a year.

It is very clear: 

Together with the board, I first set up the "breeding instructions", what we aim for when breeding Eurasiers in the ZG (the frame is set by the FCI Standard 291). Following this, we set up the path how we want to achieve these goals in cooperation with our Eurasier breeders.

As the Head of the Breeding Board I decide about each mating, which means I must thoroughly assess every mating for a dam, and - where applicable - give clearance and sign for it. Fortunately, Edith Marahrens and Alfred Mueller, two very competent breeding directors, have been assisting me over the years!

Eurasier Brina v. Streeker Forst, ZG       Eurasier Bardo a.d. Ries, Abea v. Streeker Forst, ZG       Eurasier Ardon v. Bimbach, ZG

The Head of the Breeding Board and the breeding directors cannot do as they like, they must give an account to the breeding committee, this means I must inform the breeding committee at meetings about breeding matters, what had been planned, what is planned for the future. The breeding committee consists of experienced and longstanding active members of the ZG, and they review the work of the Breeding Board. 

This means that the Zuchtgemeinschaft fuer Eurasier conscientiously plans and centrally directs their purebred breeding. (The Breeding Board is assisted by a well-proven breeding programme and by a comprehensive and constantly updated database - consisting of more than 19.000 Eurasier data at the moment. The breeding programme and database are essential, just as much as the personal knowledge of the breeding animals and the home in which they are bred).

These days, this is certainly considered a special luxury, as the trend heads towards getting a puppy NOW, easy to care for and just as easy to exchange, and expected to adapt to every lifestyle. Sadly, often enough the natural needs and requirements of the live creature "dog" are no longer accepted. Unfortunately, the medium internet supports this trend. 

We, the Zuchtgemeinschaft fuer Eurasier e.V., want to try and swim against this trend as long as we can!

Eurasier ZG

Additional duties of the Head of the Breeding Board:

Eurasier puppies playing, ZG  Eurasier Bardo a.d. Ries, ZG, with friends  Eurasier Abea v. Streeker Forst with Bardo a.d. Ries, ZG


Copyright 17 März 2019 / Gisela Aach
